Sunday, December 13, 2009

Prelim Handout for BSN2B (eu104)


Property of objects representing their degree of importance; something that makes an object worthwhile.

Propriety: The quality of being appropriate.

Oughtness: The state of being as a thing ought to be; rightness.

Objective Values: Those that are outside the individual and are not dependent upon perception or belief.

Morality: Ideal code of conduct and belief which would be preferred by the sane person under specified conditions.
- knowledge of right and wrong
- involves free will
- freedom to choice to follow or not

Characteristics of Moral Values:
1.) Reasonable and freely chosen
2.) Pre-eminent over human values
3.) Absolute
4.) Universal
5.) Obligatory

Aesthetic Value: Value which causes an object to be beautiful or to be a work of art.

"Pagkatao": The meaning of being human.

Personal Value: Developed from early life and evolve from circumstances with the external wold.
Cultural Value: Commonly held standards of right and wrong in a community or society.
Work Value: Set of values and beliefs based on hard work and diligence; belief in the moral benefit of hard work to enhance character.

Phenomenology: Philosophy that states that bias should be suspended in experiencing phenomenon to arrive at an accurate description of reality and/or truth.
Experiential Knowledge: Based on experience.
Conceptual Knowledge: Based on second-hand concepts.

Faith: Confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, idea or thing. It involves future context, is transcendental and is beyond reason.
- The object of faith is its realization, a greater understanding of God.

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