Sunday, December 13, 2009

Prelim Handout for BSN2B (eu104)


Property of objects representing their degree of importance; something that makes an object worthwhile.

Propriety: The quality of being appropriate.

Oughtness: The state of being as a thing ought to be; rightness.

Objective Values: Those that are outside the individual and are not dependent upon perception or belief.

Morality: Ideal code of conduct and belief which would be preferred by the sane person under specified conditions.
- knowledge of right and wrong
- involves free will
- freedom to choice to follow or not

Characteristics of Moral Values:
1.) Reasonable and freely chosen
2.) Pre-eminent over human values
3.) Absolute
4.) Universal
5.) Obligatory

Aesthetic Value: Value which causes an object to be beautiful or to be a work of art.

"Pagkatao": The meaning of being human.

Personal Value: Developed from early life and evolve from circumstances with the external wold.
Cultural Value: Commonly held standards of right and wrong in a community or society.
Work Value: Set of values and beliefs based on hard work and diligence; belief in the moral benefit of hard work to enhance character.

Phenomenology: Philosophy that states that bias should be suspended in experiencing phenomenon to arrive at an accurate description of reality and/or truth.
Experiential Knowledge: Based on experience.
Conceptual Knowledge: Based on second-hand concepts.

Faith: Confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, idea or thing. It involves future context, is transcendental and is beyond reason.
- The object of faith is its realization, a greater understanding of God.

Prelim Handout for HRM1F (eu100b)


Personality: Embodiment of feelings and behavior which makes man the unique person that he is.

Components of Personality:

1. Habits – Actions so often repeated at regular intervals until they become fixed characteristics.
2. Attitudes – Certain ways of viewing things as acquired through years of exposure.
3. Interest – Natural inclination to focus one’s concern towards a specific area of work.
4. Values – Ways of upholding certain priorities in accordance with hierarchy of needs.
5. Principles – Guides to a person in making judgments.
6. Intellectual Capacities – Innate faculty of the mind which gives the person power to discern, recognize and comprehend.

Developing One’s Personality
1. Self Awareness – Indicates what kind of person you are.
2. Assessment of Personal Assets and Liabilities – based on intelligence, talents, resources, flexibilities and attractiveness.
3. Personal Effectiveness – Means how useful you are to yourself and other people.

Reasons for Developing Personality
1. Self Satisfaction
2. Self Confidence
3.To keep ourselves on the job.

Foundations of Personality
1. Mental – Intellectual Capacity .
2. Social – How well a person conducts himself with other people.
3. Physical – The physiological structure of individual.
4. Emotional – Emotional makeup.
5. Moral – Awareness of right and wrong.
6. Spiritual – Consciousness of higher values in life.

External Attributes of Personality
1. Physical Health
2. Hygiene
3. Grooming
4. Accessories
5. Make-up
6. Posture
7. Use of Color Combinations

Physical Health
1. Brain 2. Exercise 3. Nutrition 4. Skin

Good Grooming: Appropriate clothes on appropriate occasions.
Essentials in Buying Clothes: Good fit, Good workmanship and Good Materials.
Accessories: Jewelry, shoes, bags.
Good Posture: State which enables the body to function to the best advantage.